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The heat exchanger specialist

Quality: certifications renewed

Our requirement? Reply to yours. Our quality service has renewed all of our certifications to continue to offer you the best in heat exchange.

Quality: our requirements, your confidence

Barriquand has renewed successfully its certifications related to the manufacture, design and installation of heat exchangers in France or abroad, namely:

Certification for equipment under pressure PED 97/23/CE (now 2014/68/UE), module H/H1 for European market (related to CODAP construction code)
Stamp U certification for world market (related to ASME construction code)
SELO certification for Chinese market
HP0 certification for German market (related to AD Merkblatt construction code)Our company had also obtained, for the 1st time in 2014, KGS certification for equipment delivered in Korea.

The systematic renewal of all these certifications for twenty years allows us to meet all normative, administrative and regulatory requirements, whatever construction code or country of destination.This renewal is validated following an audit carried out by certified agencies (APAVE, TÜV / Arise and SELO) on the quality system of the company and is managed internally by Romain Fernandes.

The requirement criteria are numerous and concern:
Contract review
Masters of design
Identification and traceability
Inspection and testing
Non-conformities control
Corrective and preventive actions
Internal quality audits
Monitoring of suppliers
TrainingBarriquand teams are extremely attentive to quality at each technical and commercial step and for each client requirement: sizing by our thermal experts, design engineers, production workers, as well as in logistic and customer relationship management.