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The heat exchanger specialist

Barriquand celebrates its 80th anniversary

For its 80 years, Barriquand group has just inaugurated its two new production workshops. The opportunity to bring together employees, executives and guests, all turned towards our industrial future.

Barriquand celebrates its 80th anniversary

In the presence of local politics, SFPI Group executives, employees with their relatives, Barriquand group celebrated its 80th anniversary! Mr. Robert Barriquand, son of a founder and former managing director of the company, was also present.

Our company took the opportunity to officially open two new areas of production, one of 1000 m² dedicated to the manufacture of large size Platular® heat exchangers for Barriquand Exchangers; the other of 400 m² for Steriflow FAT services.

This festive time, where old and new generations could exchange around a musical buffet , was mainly the opportunity to offer one-day Open House to all our employees who were able to visit the workshops to their families … promoting industrial vocations among younger and lead us to our 100 years!
