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The heat exchanger specialist

Heat exchangers for WFI and PW distribution

The exchangers used on treated water distribution loops are chosen, dimensioned, and built according to the thermal program to be implemented and the quality of the water concerned. This concerns purified water (WF) as well as water for injectable preparations (WFI).

The required technologies and connections are mastered

Barriquand heat exchangers can perform heating/cooling followed by a temperature hold while preserving the quality of the treated water.
We master the various technologies (gasketed double-wall plate and double-wall tubular), the quality of finishing (roughness down to 0.25 μm, with no retention zone, mechanical polishing, electro-polishing, etc.), and the types of connection required (DIN, SMS, clamp, pharmaceutical flanges).

Gasketed double-wall plate heat exchangers

For the least critical water, in order to avoid any physical contact between fluids, Barriquand recommends a gasketed double-wall plate heat exchanger design.

This makes cross contamination by an inter-circuit leak impossible. Any leaks will always be drained to the exterior and can be detected immediately.

Double-plate tubular exchangers

This technology is recommended for water of the most critical quality and for HT thermal programs.

Double-wall tubular exchangers ensure the complete absence of cross contamination. The quality of finishing is very high (no dead zone, complete gravitational drainability, roughness requirements, etc.).

A pharma file provided for each device

  • a 3.1 materials certificate for the metallic parts in contact with the fluids
  • an FDA certificate for the gaskets
  • a test report
  • a CE certificate if applicable
  • an operating and maintenance manual
  • a roughness certificate

Barriquand heat exchangers are suitable for the following fluids:

  • softened water
  • osmosed water
  • de-ionized water
  • demineralized water
  • purified water (PW/HPW)
  • water for injectable preparations (WFI)

Other Barriquand heat exchanger applications


Shell and tube heat exchanger

Brazed plate heat exchanger

Pcv Platular® heat exchanger

Platular® smart hybrid welded plate heat exchanger

Shell and coil heat exchangers

Gasketed plate heat exchanger